





Fiefdom News

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Summer 2024

SCABS is released! Starfield Comprehensive Additions to Background Skills is our first mod for Starfield, and is available now in Creations on both PC and XBox. SCABS adds over 20 new backgrounds to the game, with skills that make sense no matter where in the skill trees they may reside.

Spring 2023

Still awaiting news about our Minecraft Marketplace application! The late winter and spring has been spent on Project Vanna and a new (old) project - Project Lecture, which is the prototype of a new and revolutionary spell system for fantasy RPGs. And we are excited with how it is coming along - all core design aspects are proven out and playable! Project Lecture is a "spell system without spells" - no learning pre-made spells, but rather players will build their own spells from scratch with a seemingly endless number of possibilities.

December 2022

Project Moat alpha testing continues, and we are still awaiting word on the marketplace application. And a new project is launched! Project Vanna will introduce a new biome - Old Growth Forest - complete with some fun new entities.

November 2022

Project Moat alpha testing continues! Enhancements and bugs being ironed out. Preview video released to YouTube (see the media page). Our application to become a partner in the Minecraft Marketplace was completed and submitted - awaiting word.

October 2022

Project Moat alpha testing is proceeding, and we are working on some enhancements that have come out of that (and a bug or two). Preview video released to YouTube (see the media page).

September 2022

Our first offering is a resource/behavior pack for Minecraft - internally known as Project Moat.  The first version has been completed and we're happy to say it has entered alpha testing.